Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Real Deal!

Yep that's right! The business now has it's own website , it's under construction still but its a real website! Yay! So here's the URL !!!!

I will let you know when things are finally posted!

Also.... decided on OFFICIAL business cards! yay! Just need to order them now!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Hobby Time

Since this hobby over the last month has just BOOMED! It's time for me to get a website and such....

Ok... Here's a pic of a new one I did... But, Just like the name of my business, They are... Not Your Ordinary Cakes... Enjoy!


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Still Not Alot Of Time...

It's true... I don't have a ton of time for an update... nor do I feel like doing a big long update! BUT, I will let you know that tomorrow My Hubby Bubby and I will be going

to the Temple, since we need to get back on our Wednesday Temple Day routine, and we would

love it if those of you who could go... WOULD GO!!! :) We love to see familiar faces there and

maybe we all could grab a bite to eat after... Anyway.... We are going to grab the 3:30 session. And If you can come that would be fabulous!( I'm very ...... Happy today, if you can't tell!)

Hope to see you there!

Monday, August 6, 2007

I'm a slacker I know...

Sorry Sorry Sorry I haven't been updating! I'll fill ya'll in another time on why I'm so busy! But anywho...

All of you who can go.... Try and grab the 5:00 PM temple session on TUESDAY the 7th!!! My Boss from the schools is going through for the 1st time and I'm her escort! She really needs support so... DO IT! PLUS... It's a great night for a session, and it wont be tooo Busy!!! So hop to it! And those of you who haven't been in awhile need to get going, and here's the perfect opportunity!!!!!

Love you all!
And Updates soon!!