Ok.... I've been TAGGED!
But First.... Here's who I tagged... EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! HA!
Camille's Not So Random Randomness:
1. I have this huge desire to be at the Temple everyday, every minute, every hour... But can never seem to find the time to do it daily. Once a week is usually what Mike and I can do. But with me staying home now I should have ALOT more time to be at the temple... Darn life! Darn Cleaning my house! Darn Laundry! It's Temple Time!

2.I really want to re-decorate our bedroom. We need a new bed, mattress, night stands, and I need to get something for our sitting area... but what looks nice in a bedroom sitting area?
3. I want to start making Baby Clips... The ones with the Flowers.. ya know? I made like 10 already.. they are way cute.... If you have a baby.. wanna buy some? lol

4. I am obsessed with Super Smash Brothers, on the Wii. I mean I even play when Mike isn't home. (Refer back to #1... I found the answer as to Why I can't!) Anyone want to join me? Come on over!!!!!!!!

5. I Love being able to stay home. Finally my house is in order, my life is stress free, and I am actually a MORE pleasant person. Now the only thing that would make staying home worth it, would be if I had to do it because of a Child... Hmmmm...... Where can I find a Child???

6.We are all the way done with our Adoption paperwork... It's sitting on my desk... just sitting there. I dunno why we haven't mailed it in yet... Maybe I'm scared to actually go thru all of this and potentially never get a child... or maybe I keep hoping I will juat magically one day get pregnant!... Pray for Us.... lol

7. I have one amazing husband. He is always so thoughtful and caring! I don't know what I would do with out him! He has to work all day in the Hot Hot Heat. And then Comes home and Picks up the Doggy poo! What a Lucky woman I am to be married to this funny, handsome, caring, thoughtful, silly, brave, strong, spiritual, loving....... MAN!!!!!!!!
8. I want to have a party at my house.... anyone interested?
The Rules:
1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your post tag 8 people and include their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment on their blog to tell them they've been tagged, and to comment back and read your blog for the whole story.